Nick Richardson Endorsed by LP Fresno for Fresno City Council

Voting unanimously, the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Fresno County endorses Nick Richardson for Fresno City Council District 6.

LP Fresno members had a chance to meet Mr. Richardson at a social event in Squaw Valley last spring. Many became interested in his campaign, finding that his views have much in common with libertarianism. That interest only increased when news came of the Fresno County GOP dropping their endorsement of him. Members drafted a pledge listing a number of issues of particular importance to party members and presented it to Mr. Richardson to ascertain his level of agreement with each one. Mr. Richardson agreed to the following points with no changes or caveats:

  • I will work towards decreasing city spending
  • I will work towards cutting economic regulations
  • I will work towards cutting housing regulations
  • I will oppose the use of city resources, funds, or employees to enforce any “Covid-style” lockdowns or mandates

The following points were agreed to by Mr. Richardson with some caveats:

  • I will oppose the use of city resources, funds, or employees to enforce city-wide cannabis prohibition (caveat: discretion in business locations will be case-by-case, but no vote I cast will ever be in favor of a “prohibition of cannabis”).
  • I will work to have decreased taxes and bond measures by the time I finish my term (caveat: some essential city services [such as trash collection] are under-taxed, but other taxes like property tax, council member pay, and permitting fees are in my crosshairs to decrease ASAP).

Members Question Nick Richardson

LP Fresno members also had the chance to ask questions of Mr. Richardson on a video call. Of particular concern were his answers to a questionnaire regarding “gender-affirming services” to schoolchildren that came to light recently. Many of our members have becoming increasingly concerned over this issue over the last several years, especially over the increasingly apparent efforts by public school teachers to actively encourage schoolchildren towards certain lifestyle and medical choices. Members asked for clarification on Mr. Richardson’s views on the matter. Mr. Richardson assured us that he does not support schools pushing children into such decisions. He also opposes keeping such matters a secret from parents. He stated that the role of the education system ought to be to educate children, and nothing more.

Mr. Richardson has also clarified that he does not believe that children belong in venues in which sexualized, adult-oriented performances are taking place, and that school libraries should contain only age-appropriate books. He is also a vocal opponent of flying the gay pride flag from Fresno City Hall. Indeed, he opposes flying any flag other than the Fresno, California, and American flags. Such a stance is a great opportunity to defuse an otherwise constantly escalating culture war.

We feel confident that Nick Richardson will act as a leader towards much needed change. If elected, he can help restore the City of Fresno to a model of small, limited government, a restoration that is much needed.


One response to “Nick Richardson Endorsed by LP Fresno for Fresno City Council”

  1. Jonathan Richter Avatar
    Jonathan Richter

    I’m concerned that this “kids wanting to transition their gender” issue has swallowed the country. Let me be very clear. If I had kids, I would never allow my child to do something like that. But this is an issue where the kids the parents and the doctors all seem to be on the same page. Once you establish that the government gets to make these decisions rather than the parent or the child – where do you draw the line? When CAN’T the government tell you how to raise your kid?

    The freedom to make decisions about your life includes the freedom to make bad decisions. Should the government tell kids they shouldn’t pursue ballet because their chances of making a career out of it are close to zero? Should the goverment manage everyone’s diet to make sure we don’t get obese? Should the government manage your social hours to make sure you read enough and don’t spend all day in front of the TV or phone screen?

    There are lots of decisions kids and parents make every day that will have negative long-term consequences for them. I personally believe this gender transition thing is a fad, and will likely go away, especially after dozens of people ruin their lives by making that choice. People need to be able to learn from mistakes, their own and those of their peers.

    I think it is terrible that Chase Oliver, who is 100% libertarian on all the issues that matter, like the size and power of government, for people to bash him because he thinks parents should make medical decisions instead of government is moronic. These decisions affect themselves and no one else. Why should this be a government issue? And why do people who will not be affected care so much? Too many libertarians are voting solely on this fringe issue and ignoring all the issues where government decsions affect all of us.