From the Libertarian Party of California Legislative Committee:
The California State Legislature is once again using the pandemic as an excuse to attack the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of California. SB866 will strip parental consent for children 15 and up to receive a Covid 19 vaccination.
While California has previously recognized special exemptions regarding childhood medical consent, this bill goes too far and could create unnecessarily dangerous situations. Children have been at the lowest risk throughout the pandemic and vaccination has not been proven to prevent infection or spread of the virus and information regarding vaccine injury and the short and long term effects have been tightly guarded or dismissed as misinformation.
Children are generally more vulnerable to coercion and lack the necessary maturity to make sound medical decisions and age appropriate information exploring those effects do not exist. By allowing school personnel and medical practitioners to circumvent parents, information such as family history or prior vaccine reactions is omitted from the decision making process and could prevent timely treatment of potential side effects, both of which could lead to serious injury or death.
SB866 creates a dangerous precedent by expanding existing law regarding sexually transmissible diseases under Section 6931 of the Family Code to include the Covid 19 vaccine, and potentially more in the future, skewing the intent of the original law.
All while there is still zero liability for this vaccine.
The Libertarian Party of California believes that parents and guardians hold the responsibility over the agency and decisions regarding their children, and advocates against State violations of parental rights.
SB866 has passed through all committees and is headed to the Assembly to vote, but we still have a chance to prevent it from going across Governor Newsom’s desk. Please reach out to your State Assembly members and let them know Californians oppose SB866. Contact information is available at https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov.