Christian Cruz Endorsed for Mendota City Council

The Libertarian Party of Fresno County endorses Christian Cruz for Mendota City Council.

Mr. Cruz is a longtime libertarian, having found his way to our ranks, like many, during Ron Paul’s presidential campaigns. He joined the Libertarian Party during the Covid lockdowns of 2020, and has played an active role in LP Fresno ever since. He frequently attends political events throughout Fresno County. In doing so he has made contacts out of a number of local elected officials and candidates, often encouraging them to reach out to LP Fresno to find areas of agreement.

Christian Cruz on the Issues

Three issues are the focus of Mr. Cruz’s campaign: police accountability, homelessness, and infrastructure.

Police accountability is an issue that Mr. Cruz has made front and center. He publicly encourages Mendota City residents to report police incidents to the state’s Commission on Police Officer Standards and Training.

Homelessness is an issue that increasingly plagues many towns, and Mendota is no exception. Many “solutions” offered by typical politicians consist of throwing more money at the problem. Instead, as a libertarian, Christian Cruz seeks to address the root economic issues behind homelessness.

Lastly, on infrastructure, Mr. Cruz has noted past incidents in which city leaders have spent disproportionate funds towards repairing roads in their own neighborhoods. He seeks to put an end to such practices.

A Crypto Future for Mendota?

One issue in particular that sets Christian Cruz apart from his opponents is his passion for cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin. He desires to find ways that Mendota can encourage and promote crypto. One example he has floated is exploring the possibility of allowing city residents to pay their water bills using Bitcoin. Mendota is a prime location to attempt such an experiment due to its large El Salvadorian population, among whom Bitcoin is very popular. For good reason- El Salvadorian president Nayib Bukele made headlines in 2021 by making his country the first in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender.

We are excited to watch Mr. Cruz’s political future unfold, both in 2024 and beyond, and have full confidence in him as a future leader in the Central Valley.


One response to “Christian Cruz Endorsed for Mendota City Council”

  1. I’ve met Christian and he has impressed me as an inquisitive and open minded young man.