Category: Legislation
Orange Cove tax failed but there will be a re-count tomorrow
(REMINDER: Please RSVP for next weekend’s social TODAY so our host can plan ahead: Last month, LPFC argued against a tax measure in Orange Cove: Voters in Orange Cove already said no to extending Measure O on Nov 7, 2023. But City Officials will keep trying to take $263,965/year, despite your clear, democratic rejection!…
Sign the Petition: 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County
To sign the petition online, go here:
Take Action: Stop the Latest Selective Service (Draft) Bill
Stop SB-1081: A bill to automatically register draft-age applicants for California driver’s licenses with the Selective Service System (SSS). Call all 15 Senate Transportation committee members on Thursday, April 4th.
Libertarian Party of Fresno County Opposes Measure E
FRESNO, California – The Libertarian Party of Fresno County opposed Measure E when it was submitted to voters in 2022 (and failed) and it will oppose it again this election cycle. Despite the voters turning this down before, the County Supervisors joined with cronies to put this up for a vote again. Less than 2…
LPFC Adopts Resolution to Petition Fresno County to Become a Second Amendment Sanctuary
The principle of nullification of unjust and unconstitutional state and federal laws is at the heart of American liberty. In solidarity with CRPA, we petition Fresno County to become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary.
LPFC Chair calls on Rep. Tom McClintock to vote against sending cluster bombs to Ukraine
At Rep. McClintock’s recent open office hours in Fresno, Ms. McElroy brought the important Jacobs amendment to the NDAA to the staff member’s attention. Unfortunately, Mr. McClintock DID NOT vote in favor of this amendment. The staff member indicated that Mr. McClintock believes sending old bombs to Ukraine is a good use of resources. This…
LPCA Chair in Fresno Bee
Chair of the Libertarian Party of California, Mimi Robson, wrote an op-ed published in the Fresno Bee last week. In it, she explains how the LPCA submitted opposition statements to numerous tax and bond measures across the state, and was often the only argument submitted. Indeed, in Fresno, of the 12 measures on the November…
Oppose SB-918 today!
While I disagree with the provision in SB-918 to “provide indicia of proof of licensure throughout the state” for conceal carry, I’m going to focus on the provisions that might land a duck hunter in prison. It restricts possession of ANY firearm (shotgun/pistol/rifle) while it is UNLOADED and in a case, while LOCKED IN YOUR…
Stop Expansion of Police Powers: Oppose SB-1100
The Libertarian Party of California believes that an expansion of the powers of local governing bodies to be potential arbiters of political speech is not in the spirit of the 1st Amendment.
It’s not too late to protect the kids: Oppose SB-866
The Libertarian Party of California believes that parents and guardians hold the responsibility over the agency and decisions regarding their children, and advocates against State violations of parental rights.