Defend the Guard is a nationwide effort to pass state legislation to “prohibit a state’s National Guard units from being deployed into active combat without a formal declaration of war by Congress.” This movement finds support from all sectors of the political compass. Recently the national Libertarian Party even adopted it as an official strategy. Activists in states such as New Hampshire and Arizona have made great strides in bringing attention to Defend the Guard. No state, however, has succeeded in actually getting it passed into law. Activists are competing to see which of the 50 states can be first to actual succeed. Of course, we don’t usually see California on the cutting edge of increasing liberty. LP Fresno is trying to help change that.
Will Assembly Candidates Support Defend the Guard?
Earlier this month we released our county voter guide for the upcoming general election. When we reached out to candidates for the state assembly, one question we asked was whether they would support Defend the Guard. We are pleased to announce that 2 out of the 8 candidates we reached out to expressed that they would support such a bill.
First is David Tangipa, who is running against fellow Republican George Radanovich for Assembly District 8. In his response to our questionnaire, Mr. Tangipa affirmed that he would support Defend the Guard. He shared the following: “The National guard should only be deployed to protect the homeland, especially at the border. There is no need to continue to send our troops overseas, especially without a formal war.” Mr. Radanovich did not respond to any of our attempts to reach out.
Next is Xavier Avila, who is also running against a fellow Republican (in this case, Alexandra Macedo) for Assembly District 33. Mr. Avila did not initially respond to our questionnaire. However, one of our members continued reaching out on social media to get an answer on Defend the Guard. His answer was in the affirmative. Like George Radanovich, we could not reach Ms. Macedo for an answer.
Which Way, GOP?
It is interesting to note that both of these races have two Republicans running against each other. Many Libertarians, indpendents, and even Democrats have a frustrating choice between two Republicans. Do they have a chance to influence the GOP towards a less “warhawkish” stance? Of course, it doesn’t stop at the ballot box. If Mr. Tangipa and Mr. Avila win their elections, it will be up to the voters and activists alike to hold them accountable.