Candidate Statement: Tom Nichols for Assembly District 8

California has been plagued with issues for the last several years, and District 8 is no different.

I have personally been at the mercy of state and federal mismanagement and just like many of you, had my home threatened by wildfire. We will regain control of our public lands and mitigate the fire threat to our homes and businesses. The fires haven’t been the only threat, insurance premiums are also endangering the livelihoods of the people who live and work here, leaving the future of entire communities at stake.

I will also fight to secure local control of our surface and groundwater. It is vital to maintaining our healthy and thriving communities to have access to clean water and to prevent central planners from allocating our resources away. 

When it comes to your natural and constitutionally guaranteed right to self defense, as well as your right to personal medical choice, I will always fight for your freedom. I will stand against tyrannical bans and mandates and be a voice of opposition to the petty tyrants in Sacramento.

My life has proven that the decisions of the past do not define a person’s future, and also that the ability to make difficult choices is very important for the growth and strength of both individuals and their communities. I will fight to keep the government out of your lives and your most personal and private decisions. 

I am Tom Nichols, and I want to be the representative for Assembly District 8.

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